Thursday, October 22, 2009

Early Memory

One of my earliest memories was when i was around 3 years old. I was living in Oregon and was spending the weekend with my Father. It was halloween. I had spent hours and hours trying to figure out what to wear. I just couldn't decide. In the end it was close between batman and superman, but batman seemed a little bit more interesting to me at the time ( I had what was kind of a 3-year-old-boy-obsession... with batman).

When me, my brother and my Father were ready we went out to go trick-0r-treating. We went to a bunch of houses on our street. Then right before we went back home we stopped off at our neighbors house to say hi... I don't remember very much about them. Only that they had a little girl about 2 years older than me who was albino, and that she had two mothers.
I didn't understand exactly why she had two mothers at the time, but i knew that they were both really nice.
Then when we got home me and my brother got hyper from all the candy... and then we crashed and slept for like 'ever'.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, batman. I would have gone with Superman. You do seem like more of a Batman person though. When I was three I was Princess Godzilla for Halloween so Batman looks pretty normal comparatively.
