I was around 9 and a half when my ex-stepfather ( who was my stepfather at the time) said something to me that changed my view on life. He said to me, "Berkano, Think before you believe what you hear and watch before you believe what you see". He said this after a kid in my class said something about his Father being an astronaut, which i didn't really believe and was hurt because of the way the kid lied to me without a second thought.
From the time when i heard this i have learned that people are too easy to accept something with absolutely no proof of truth. I have learned to not believe every rumor that might spread around at school and to think twice before accepting something completely. I think that there was a spiritual meaning to what he said. He meant something that is said to you is just vibrations in the air, they don't last forever, and they only represent a persons verbal thoughts at the time. If somebody does something day after day, month after month, and year after year the person has proved to you what they are trying to tell you is true without doubt and that they mean it sincerely.